About Us
We are a small town on the coast of North Carolina, located on the beautiful Neuse River from which we indirectly draw our name. The name "Minnesott" is thought to have originated from an old Indian word meaning "land of the sky-tinted waters." Minnesott Beach is located at the site of an old Indian settlement which was thought to be one of the largest Indian trading centers in the South Atlantic states.
Back in the 1930s through 1950s, in our heyday, we were a thriving vacation destination. Today we have settled into a quiet golfing, sailing, and retirement community which offers an 18-hole golf course, marina, and a world class boys' camp.
The Town supports residential development that is consistent with a single-family, conventional housing settings. Multifamily structures are limited to those areas zoned for such uses at the time of plan adoption. The Town encourages residential development that is consistent with second home and retirement living.
Back in the 1930s through 1950s, in our heyday, we were a thriving vacation destination. Today we have settled into a quiet golfing, sailing, and retirement community which offers an 18-hole golf course, marina, and a world class boys' camp.
The Town supports residential development that is consistent with a single-family, conventional housing settings. Multifamily structures are limited to those areas zoned for such uses at the time of plan adoption. The Town encourages residential development that is consistent with second home and retirement living.