Country Club West Drive View


Trash is collected each Monday and recyclables are collected each Wednesday in Minnesott Beach. Pickups which are scheduled to occur on Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year's Day will be made the following day. All other holidays will be regular pickup days. Contractually, to ensure pickup, trash and recyclables must be outside by the curb by 7 am on the scheduled day of pickup. 

Please remove your emptied containers as soon as possible from the edge of the street. If you are going to be out of Town please make arrangements for the containers to be moved.  This is a home security issue as well as appearance.  Problems with trash or recycling pick-up should be brought to the attention of Town Hall.


All trash ( Municipal Solid Waste) must be contained in no more than four (4) containers not exceeding thirty-five (35) gallons in capacity or fifty (50) pounds total in weight. Roll-out carts of either eighty (80) or ninety (90) gallons in capacity that are compatible with Waste Industries' cart dumpers can be used. Municipal Solid Waste is defined by our collection contract as any solid waste, putrescible animal and plant material resulting from the handling, preparation, consumption of food, including animal and vegetable matter with a minimum amount of liquid necessarily incident thereto (garbage) and other non-putrescible waste materials (refuse) resulting from the day to day operation of a service location which may be disposed of in a sanitary landfill. Municipal Solid Waste does not include special or excluded waste  (see definition below) , hazardous waste, sludge, mining, agricultural, infectious or medical waste.  Special or excluded waste that will not be picked up includes large or cumbersome items, obnoxious items, building materials, dead animals, discarded automobiles, yard waste or large portions of loose trash.

By N.C. General Statute 130A-309.10(f) the following items are banned from  landfills:

Aluminum cans



Beverage containers from ABC permitted facilities

Computer equipment*


Lead-Acid batteries

Motor oil

Oyster shells

Yard waste

Scrap tires

Oil filters


Plastic bottles**

* Starting 1 July 2011. See reclyclables paragraph below for more details.   

  ** The prohibition on the disposal of recyclable rigid plastic containers in landfills does not apply to rigid plastic containers that are intended for use in the sale or distribution of motor oil, oil or pesticides. Such containers can not be recycled. The majority of the plastic containers banned from disposal in sanitary landfills include plastic water, juice, and soft drink bottles. These bottles must now be disposed of thru our recycling program.

The Town of Minnesott Beach may, as in the past, conduct town cleanups for large items and yard waste. Special rules apply and will be published prior to any future cleanup.

Coastal Environmental Partnership, or CEP operates Carteret, Craven and Pamlico counties waste disposal efforts. Detail information, such as, landfill/transfer stations hours of operation, acceptable items, rates, Household Hazardous Waste and Electronics Collection Days, etc., can be found on their web site.


You may recycle thru the Town's recycling program:

All clear, brown and green glass containers that have held food or drink - Remove the lids and rinse bottles and jars. Paper labels are ok. Place in bottom of bin. No drinking glasses, mirror, light bulbs, window glasses or dishes. 

Plastic containers (1, 2 & 3) - Look for the  "1" "2" or "3" on the bottom of the container. Remove the lids and neck rings. Labels are ok. Rinse and place in bottom of bin. You may crush containers to conserve space.  All plastic containers (bottles) with a neck smaller than the body and is closed with a screw top, snap cap or other such closure are banned from landfills and must be recycled. The exception to this rule is plastic bottles that have contained hazardous materials such as pesticide or motor oil. Plastic wrap and plastic bags are not recyclable.

Aluminum and steel beverages or food cans - Rinse and place in bottom of bin. May crush to conserve space. No scrap metal, paint cans, aerosol cans, automotive product cans, aluminum foil or pie tins.

All newspaper and inserts - Place on top of bin. Bundle, but do not tie. No thick catalogs or telephone books. 

Magazines with slick, shiny pages and not over 1/4 inch thick - Place in bin. Again, no thick catalogs or telephone books. 

Mixed paper such as junk mail, stationery, non-window envelopes, shoe, soap,cereal boxes, office paper and computer paper - Place in a grocery bag, tie and stack on top of bin. Shredded materials should be placed in a separate bag and tied. No paper with glue, wax or oil. No window envelopes.

Cardboard boxes only with wavy center - Clean boxes free of any contaminants. Remove any metal staples. Cardboard boxes should be flatten and, if large, cut in pieces approximately 3' by 4'. Place in or beside bin. No waxed boxes such as some cereal, detergent, or pizza boxes.  

You may recycle the remaining items banned from landfills at the county's Grantboro landfill site.  


*The items that can no longer be placed in the regular trash and must be taken to a proper electronic recycling site beginning July 1, 2011, include:

Home electronics: VCRs, stereos, tape players, radios, fax machines, DVD players, CD players, telephones, rechargeable batteries

Personal computers and related equipment: desktops, servers, laptops, docking stations, automated typewriters, copy machines, CD-ROM drives, hard drives, modems

Personal electronics: mobile phones, MP3 Players, PDAs, portable handheld calculators, electronic games

Hardware electronics: uninterruptible power supplies, printed circuit boards, routers, power and network cables, network hubs, controllers, switching boxes, telephone systems

A comprehensive list of recycling options can be found at